Monday, December 4, 2006

What a powerful blend of the past and the present in Big D!!

Originally, my parents wanted to see me on November 17-19 weekend in Dallas since it was a long overdue, but I had a pre-commitment as a duty of the president of a local organization named Astro Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf. I decided to visit them over the first weekend of this month instead. Brett, my tennis buddy, and I became friends fast after the HouTex 26 tournament last month, and we both would like to play tennis together again soon. Once Brett and I learned that we both were coming to Big D over the same weekend, what a coincidence, we agreed to play a rematch in tennis as well as meeting up at a bar over the weekend.

A few days before that weekend, Brett asked me to meet at Jr's Friday night. This got my senses flooded from the past (see Jr's part). However, I promised my loving folks that I'd join them for dinner that evening.

The Wednesday before that weekend, I got an invitation from my Dallasite friend, Eduardo, whom I have known since 1995, for his partner Rungsit's surprise birthday party (I know my other Dallasite friend Rungsit since 1988). So my schedule for that weekend ended up being so booked. I knew that many of my old friends would be there, and I decided to surprise them by showing up at the party without letting them know about my plan of returning to Dallas.

On Friday afternoon, I drove up to Dallas by my lovable Toyota pickup as it took me four hours. Once I arrived at my folks' in a western surburb of Dallas (Irving, home of my favorite pro football team, Dallas Cowboys), my parents and I had a wonderful conversation. My loving father smiled and asked me a lot about my friend Mike from Philadelphia, whom I used to date for a couple of months this year. What a conversation!!!! We have never had a conversation like that before. (I introduced Mike to my father last September when he (my dad) invited us to a Texas A&M vs Louisiana Tech football game (my oldest nephew is an Aggie freshman)). My folks and I ended up playing our favorite playing card game called "GIN" as usual. After my mom won the game and she and my dad were heading to bed, I went to Round Up Saloon, one of my old favorite bars in Dallas, for a reunion with Brett. As I entered the bar, I was anxious to not only see him again, but also to meet his friends including other bloggers. While I was looking for my Louisianan tennis buddy, this place brought up my memories of 1980's (actually, every time I go there). This made me little sad because I remembered those ones whom I lost to AIDS two decades ago. Oh wait a ironic...I just realized that night was December 1st, World's AIDS Day. At this moment, Brett found me. That cheered me up instantly. As this charming cajun guy introduced me to his blog buddy, Mark, his partner Brian, and their friend Brad, their awesome friendliness made me feel welcomed. They were such sweethearts! As Brett gave me an address of Mark and Brian's party, their street name seemed very familiar. I'd find out then. Being with my friends of the present at the place of the past was so special.

On Saturday, as my caring folks and I went to their auto shop, we drove through DFW Airport, this got my senses flooded with my former employment and a plance wreck in late 1980's and early 1990's. (One plane got crashed only about 1/2 mile away from a building where I worked (I was there when that happened)..that was scary, but fortunately nobody was killed).

After we returned home from the auto shop, I went to pick up Brett for our rematch. Again, what a coincidence! I was right that the street name was familiar. The same court where he was staying over this past weekend (Mark and Brian's condo) was where my old friend and former deaf gay role model Philip, who now lives in Palm Springs, CA, used to live and threw a huge white party back in 1990. The same court!!!!! It felt so weird!!!!! I was hit so hard by deja vu!! I was NOT kidding!!!

As I took Brett to Samuell Park for our rematch, this also triggered my memories of Texas Open that took place two months. I won the Men's D Singles Consolation championship from there, and reuniting with my tennis buddies and making new buddies were totally enjoyable. Anyway, in the rematch, I noticed that the cajun guy had improved by winning the second set and having me almost choked. Congratulations to Brett! I was frustrated in the match against him for a first time. For more details, check out Brett's blog under Sandra Doe's OCD goes to Dallas. This reminds me of the great tennis buddies and rivals between Chris Evert and Martina Navratilova.....My record against the one who called me the MOFO in HouTex 26 improves, 2-0. Brett and I agreed to play again soon.

After the winner dropped Brett off, I was back with my Mommy and Daddy for a short time, before I went to Rungsit's birthday party. Eduardo, the party host, was the only one knew that I was coming, and he decided to keep it quiet. When I stepped in the party, the birthday guy was not there yet, but everybody else was surprised to see me. The party was so special because it consisted of a blend of my friends I know since 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, and 2000's like Haden whom I know since 1968, Rob since 1974, Bobbie Jo since 1977, and many others from each of 80s and 90s. In some ways , it was like a reunion. As the birthday guy came in, he surprisedly dropped his chin! It was so pleasant to see him that way. The party was full of flying hands. After I spent about four and half hours there, I then went to the Zeitzeuge couple's holiday party. Suddenly, it was opposite of the previous party. Except Mark, Brian, and Brad whom I just met a night before, I didn't know anybody. Mark came to greet me, and he said Brett left off to the bars with Adam and Brad for a dance. The next was his partner Brian who gave me a warm greeting. I embraced adventure and challenges as I enjoyed meeting new people, even if I didnt know anybody so I managed to meet several of their friendly guests. One of them was Scott, who knew sign language. We both ended up having an enjoyable conversation. It eventually drew other guests who claimed that they knew some sign language. I regret that I didn't either recall or get their names, but let me tell you guys what happened. Scott jokingly signed to me that one of these guests was a big slut as he (the guest) walked past us. We both laughed, but he came back to us and signed stating that he knew sign language so he understood what Scott was signing about him. Scott and I gasped. LOL Scott was such a nice guy so were other guests. I had a great time even it was a short time, and I was so glad that I went there. Thanks to Mark and Brian for the lovely invite. As I left the party, I went to a bar called S4, formerly Village Station, to meet Brett and his other friends including other bloggers whom I had not met yet. It was a very cold night, and it was a long line outside before I got into the bar. At that moment, I could not wait to get inside to get warm. As I finally stepped in, I looked around for the Cajun guy and his gang. As I approached Brett, his friends suddenly introduced themselves to me. Right away, I felt so welcomed. They were Adam (one of the bloggers), his partner Brad, and their friend Jeff (one of the bloggers as well). They were so warm-hearted. Adam filled me with his stories via my sidekick about his enjoyable visit to Gallaudet University and Helen Keller's grave. We ended up dancing together, and went to another bar TMC to continue dancing. Afterwards, we all went to Cafe Brazil. Before we all went home, I gave and received a warm hug from each of these good hearted guys. It was one of my most enjoyable moments over this past weekend.

Finally, what an awesome blend of the past and the present in Big D!! That weekend was one of the several most special weekends in Big D in my life.

Again, thank you, Brett, for squeezing your busy schedule to include me over your fast-paced weekend, tennis, our remarkable friendship, and the golden opportunity. Without this opportunity, my weekend would be a different story. Thank you, Eduardo, for our everlasting friendship and the invite. Again, thank you guys, Mark and Brian, for warmly welcoming me and the holiday invite. Thank you, Adam and Brad, for your friendliness and being comfortable with me even I was an "outsider".

- Dancing Bull

1 comment:

Brettcajun said...

Brian... I was thrilled to show you a good time. You are a sweet guy. It made me feel good to include you in my weekend and introduce you to my friends. They all loved you! :)